La Tribu
At the head of a blended family, Camille and Martin, a loving couple in their forties, have only just moved in together and already their lives are far from smooth sailing! Between their respective children, sisters and parents – as well as their exes – their blended family forms a bona fide “tribe” with an inevitably unstable balance! Camille, in charge of green spaces for a small town, is an idealistic fighter who sometimes embellishes the truth to believe her good luck will hold out. Martin, a far-sighted teacher, is constantly worried about spillovers. Will their love withstand the wrath of Franck (Camille’s ex), the bitterness/ causticity of Alexandra (Martin’s ex), and the demands of their children? It’s a hectic day-to-day full of contradictions!
Genre : Family Ccomedy.
Format : 6 x 52 minutes
Une coproduction : Mother Production - Fédération Studio France
Executive producer : Mother Production
Series created by : Manon Dillys in collaboration with Eliane Vigneron
Based on an adaptation of the Swedish series Bonusfamiljen, FLX, 2017
Writers : Manon Dillys, Eliane Vigneron, Thierry Gaudin, Anaïs Carpita, Eliane Montane, Thomas Mansuy & Clémence Dargent.
Directed by : Nadine Loisal & Patrick Cassir
Cast : Alix Poisson, Jonathan Zaccai, Maxence Tual, Vanessa David, Clothilde Mollet, Juliette Plumecocq-Mech, Capucine Malarre, Ilan Debradant, Joy Souque, Esteban Azuara Eymard, Tristan Lopin, Clara Joly, Mhamed Arezki et Sophie-Marie Larrouy
French distribution : TF1
©️ François Roelants & Nicolas Roucou – Mother Production – Fédération Studio France