La Garçonne
Set in Paris during the Roaring Twenties, La Garçonne follows Louise Kerlac who witnesses a murder. A career forbidden to women at the time, Louise is convinced that joining the police will be her best hiding place and provides the means to investigate the murder. She therefore assumes the identity of her twin brother Antoine and enters the police force as a man. In order to infiltrate the Parisian bohemian nightlife and to protect her identity, she creates another character, a flamboyant and glamorous female alter ego of herself, Gisele. Louise is now investigating as a man by day and as a woman by night. These two investigations will shatter the core of her existence...
Genre : Historical crime thriller.
Format : 6 x 52 minutes
Une coproduction : Mother Production - Tetramedia (Gedesel)
Executive producer : Mother Production
Series created by : Dominique Lancelot
Based on an original idea by : Dominique Lancelot et Harold Valentin
Writers : Dominique Lancelot, Laurent Lunetta, Marie Anne Le Pezennec, Alexandra Julhiet
Directed by : Paolo Barzman
Cast : Laura Smet, Grégory Fitoussi, Tom Hygreck, Clément Aubert, Aurélien Recoing, Lily Fleur Pointeau, Jérôme Deschamps, Noémie Kocher, Aladin Reibel
French distribution : France Télévisions / France 2
International sales and distribution: Entertainment One
26th Laurier de la Radio et de la Télévision
Laura Smet selected in the competition for the best performance by a woman at the 2020 Audiovisual Awards.
Festival Series Mania 2020
Selected in French competition.
Festival du Polar de Cognac 2020
Selected in competition for the best Francophone series, drama section.
©️ Christophe Brachet – Mother Production – France Télévisions