Meutre à Strasbourg

Katel Leguennec, inspector in chief at the Strasbourg PD, has to investigate about a series of murders linked to the Clos-Mathis wine estate and to the legend of sainte-Odile, young girl born blind and left behind by her parents. Katel has to team up with Maxime Keller, head of the forensic medical team, who is at the same time her first love and the son of her husband.

Genre : Polar
Format : 90 minutes
A co-production : Mother Production, Stromboli Pictures and RTBF .
 Writers : Claire Alexandrakis and Aude Blanchard
Directed by : Laurence Katrian
Cast :Hélène de Fougerolles, Olivier Sitruk, Bellamine Abdelmalek, Sophie Gourdin, Sophie Mounicot, Michel Scotto Dicarlo, Jean Baptiste Maunier, Eugénie Derouand
Guest appearance by : Marie Christine Barrault, Jean-Claude Dauphin 
French Distribution : France Télévisions / France 3
International sales and distribution : France Télévisions Distribution 

©️ Christophe Brachet – Mother Production – France TV

